Coopermatics Refurbished

Coopermatics Filter Repair

Filter Technology can recondition and refurbish any used Coopermatics, PER, Chem-San or other tube or candle filter into a completely new Filtration Technology System. We can tailor the equipment around your specific application and configure a system to meet your requirements. Filter Technology will furnish all new components, including our Flex Tubes, Pumps,Pneumatics, and Electrical Controls including a Color Touch Screen controls with functional graphical displays, VFD drives on the pump motors (allowing for large energy savings), tanks, and temperature monitoring and control.

Compare what Filter Technology can offer. You will receive a new system while saving thousands on your overall system cost.

Replacement Parts

Installed & Running

Replacement Parts

Filter Tubes Flex Tubes O Rings

Filter Tubes – O-rings – Spacers – Gaskets